A Better Choice for Childcare is a professional organization for parents and licensed family child care providers. We offer parents and caregivers help and free referrals for finding quality child care throughout the Edmond and Oklahoma City area. We offer providers professional training and networking to further their professional growth and promote quality child care.
If you are a parent/caregiver looking for childcare, visit our Referral section, or call our Referral Specialist and General Information line at (405) 341-1588.
If you are a child care provider needing more information about our organization, please visit our Membership section or email our Membership Chairperson via our contact form here.
Our Providers
These are the licensed child care providers who are members of our association. You can contact each provider directly via the contact information in their listing. You may also contact our Referral Specialist & General Information line for personal assistance at (405) 341-1588.
Name Location Ages Hours Phone # Email / Website Current Openings Taquesha Bell (Ms.T) 150th & Western 6w-4y 7:30a-5:45p 405-834-9232 taquesha@cox.net Taking infants Janet Brown Danforth & Sante Fe All ages 405-844-8074 missjanet63@cox.net 1 opening * Deann Freeman Indian, Meridian & Reno Newborn-3y 7:30a-5:00p 405-563-1475 2 openings Amy Goodwin NW 178th & May (The Grove) 6w-5y 7:00a-5:30p 405-888-9308 agoodw10@gmail.com 1 opening ages 2 & up Doni Greene 2nd & Danforth off Kelly Newborn-5y 7:00a-6:00p 405-315-1250 2 openings Sandy Harvey 150th & Portland 6w-4y 7:30a-5:30p 405-749-0950 Harvy.B@sbcglobal.net 1 opening Emily Hernandaz 122nd & Penn All ages 7:30a - 5:30p 405- 473-1402 1 opening * Caroline Jarvis 33rd & Bryant 3y & up 7:00a-6:00p 405-420-1241 caroline.b.jarvis@gmail.com 2 openings in the summer (school age) Kathy Kennedy Off Western Btwn 15 & 2nd.- Durbin Hills Newborn-3y 6:30a-4:30p 405-348-4646 katsdc@cox.net 3 openings Shana Lesnau 33rd & Sante Fe 6w-10y 7:00a 6:00p 405-613-6582 1 opening Leslie Limbaugh Rockwell & memorial 4w-10y 7:00a-4:30p 405-922-9566 Lesliebeths@gmail.com 1 opening (Teachers children) Dana Luster Btwn Sante Fe & Kelly off of 15th Newborn-5y 7:00a-4:30p 405-574-0619 dlmkrocks@sbcglobal.net 2 openings (Teachers Children Only) Tanya S. Kolar Bryant &Sorghum Mill 12m-4y 7:00a-6:00p 405-513-4418 tsoup1017@gmail.com 2 openings in the Summer 2y. & up Julie Meyer Hefner & Council 6w-4y 7:00a-6:00p 405-470-4625 juliemeyer50@yahoo.com 2 openings Tanya Niermeier 150 & May 0-5 7:30a-5:30p 405-921-7703 1 opening Candace Richardson 15th and Santa Fe. 2y-7years 7:30a-6:00p 405-531-6984 2 Openings Rachel Stengel Memorial & Coltrane Newborn- 2y 7:00a-5:30p 405-478-0613 Loveemilys@yahoo.com.com 1 opening Gretchen Stephenson Mustang Rd btwn SW 15th & SW 29th 6w-5y 6:00a-6:00p 405-474-0883 gretchen_workman@yahoo.co 3 openings *Kara Trip 164th & Macarthur 0-5y 7:00-5:00 405-227-3399 KaraTripp@yahoo.com 2openings Mary Uhls Off Western Btw 15th & 2nd St. 2y-6y 7:00a-5:30p 405-863-3988 msmarys01@att.net 1 opening Tonya Wheeler Hefner & May Newborn-6y 7:00a-5:30p 405-755-2995 Tonya-wheeler@att.net 1 opening
This listing is to provide parents with childcare referrals only. We do not recommend any childcare program over another. All referrals are based on information received directly from the childcare providers themselves. A Better Choice for Childcare does not guarantee the accuracy of this information, nor the quality of the childcare program, and has not inspected or warranted the condition of the provider’s facility or the quality of supervision the children receive.
It is your responsibility as a parent/guardian to visit each childcare provider and choose a program which meets the needs of your child(ren) and family.
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services is responsible for issuing licenses to child care providers as well as monitoring programs for licensing compliance. Families may have access to each program’s monitoring and licensing compliance reports by contacting the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (Licensing (405) 521-2152) or by visiting their website at http://childcarefind.okdhs.org/childcarefind/
Membership Information
We are a group of professional family child care providers.
A Better Choice for Childcare exists to help parents and caregivers find the best quality care for their child(ren), and to provide professional growth opportunities for family child care providers in order to promote quality child care.
We offer family child care providers information, support, and training on important issues concerning family child care providers. Our membership meetings offer training and education hours and networking opportunities. We also provide a members-only social media group.
Any licensed child care provider in in the Edmond and Oklahoma City area. Please complete an application.
Meetings are at 6:30PM on the second Thursday of every month. Meeting locations vary.
$60 per year
We offer a very effective child care referral service. Our Referral Specialist gets several calls daily from parents seeking qualified child care. The Referral Line number is: (405) 341-1588.
We offer your program a free listing on our website which includes your name, phone number, program details, email address, and your business website (if applicable).
Our membership meetings are an excellent chance for you to meet fellow members, discuss your concerns, share ideas, and obtain valuable information and materials for growing your business.
Advice from your fellow child care providers is invaluable. Many of our members have many years of experience they are eager to share with you. Come to the meetings to find out! We also offer a members-only Facebook group where you are free to discuss, ask questions, offer advice, etc.
For a membership application, please email our Membership Chairperson via our contact form here.